Taking the time to continually improve your pay per click advertising can make a big difference to your online marketing results. Here are two videos from Google that will help you move you in the right direction to improving your ppc ads, campaigns and overall results.
How To Optimise & Improve Your Google Ads
- Be specific and enticing with your ads. Include what sets you apart, unique features or promotions and emotional triggers.
- Include prices of goods and services. This can eliminate wasted clicks by people not willing to pay that price and also qualify them further as a buyer.
- Use a call-to-action. Tell your potential customer what to do next, eg; Buy, Purchase, Call today, Order, Browse, Sign up, and Get a quote are all good examples of an effective call to action.
- Keywords in ad titles is a must. If you can, try and include them in the 2nd 3rd lines and the display url of the ad.
- Landing pages are not always your home page! If you're selling green rocks and your ad is for green rocks, point your ad to land on the page that sells green rocks!
- Split test and then quad test your ads. When starting a new campaign, always have two ads running to see which one is performing better for your customer and product. After a sufficient testing period, drop your worst performing ad and move to quad testing.
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