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Three Simple Steps on Putting Adsense on Your Blog

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Google Adsense is a great way to monetize your blog. If you are unfamiliar with Google Adsense, let me introduce it to you. Adsense provides ad-serving blocks for your website. Now each website has visitors right? When one of your visitors clicks an Adsense ad, you get a commission. Now isn’t that neat? Since a blog’s content is concentrated, putting up Adsense ads is a very wise way to make money from a blog.

Another great thing about Google Adsense is they have a great way of determining which ads to show depending on your blog’s topic. Maybe it is because they have a steady list of advertisers on Google Adwords. Now if you used this to your benefit, you can start making money online right now.

However, one problem that newbies face is that how can they start using Adsense. It is quite easy really. Here are some steps you can follow so you can put up Adsense on your blog.

Step 1: Secure an Adsense Account

An Adsense account is the end-all and be-all of this article. If you skip this step and do not get an Adsense account then you can just give up on earning from Adsense. An account is very important. But the good news is that it is very easy to get one.

To get an account, simply create a free page on any website. There are lots of websites on the Internet that allows that. But be sure to only do these on sites where they allow you to put up ads. Blogger is a very wise choice because it is owned by Google. However, that does not guarantee your account’s approval. After registering for an account, Google will review your website for a set number of days and send your approval via email.

Step 2: Put up an Advertisement

Now what is the sense of an account that does not have an advertisement? Go to your account and create an advertisement from the dashboard. Just tick your choices and click next. Do not forget to customize your ads for a better effect.

Step 3: Promote Your Website

Of course, the last step is to promote your website. No one will click your ads if you do not have visitors. There are different promotion methods that you can employ. A lot of them are free and easy to do. Remember that site promotion
must be a consistent endeavor in order to be effective.


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